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Pickerel Lake and Memories
Today, we have a guest post from Mr. Aaron K.
Memories are contagious. That’s quite obvious as I return to Pickerel Lake and beautiful Pickerel Lake Park for the first time in many years. Located in Cannon Township just off of Ramsdell Road, its very sight brings me back to a more youthful time, a time when fishing with my father and brothers was the best time of the summer.
A picturesque (though not entirely sheltered) place, Pickerel Lake is accompanied by expansive trails for strolling and enjoying the Park’s natural beauty. Near the main pebble trail I see my first Garter Snake of the season. Initially his presence is made known by a faint brushing sound in the grass just off to my right as I walk by. After noticing the Garter, I look up ahead on the trail and see a Northern Water Snake basking on the trail. My approach scares her back to the brush.
Of course, I am not here for the wildlife alone. Memories are another reason. I knew I would be reminded of the fond past of my childhood and early teen years when I came here. It’s what I wanted. As soon as I hear the blackbirds cackling in the nearby rushes and walk down the boardwalk across the Lake, a reminiscent smile resounds in my heart. This is our secret. Inner joy shouts in these quaint memories quietly relived.
Pickerel Lake and its adjoining Park bring me back several years. It’s part of the gorgeousness and native peace of the place. Though the water is dark from rain, and I see no fish today, it does not matter much. There is much more wildlife to observe. Chipmunks and rabbits and other animals will greet you along the trails.
Whether statuesque herons or flitting swallows, birds are also abundant here. When you visit in the spring or summer take a moment to listen to the songbirds speaking in the trees overhead. There is something memorable about those sounds that will stay with you forever. Pickerel Lake is just a memory at times. But today, it becomes a pleasant reality once again.