Welcome to Michigan Lakes!
We are all about Michigan lakes. Life on, in and near Michigan's lakefront brings a richness that rewards for a lifetime. Have a story or comments on your experience? You can be one of the first to share it with the world on our Michigan lake directory.
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Consider Being Our Guest

I find that whenever I bring up the topic of Michigan people have a story to tell about their favorite place. Some have childhood stories to tell of carefree summers spent Grandpa’s cottage. Some share wonderful memories of family fun when mom and dad would rent a cottage every year. For others, there is the one and only lake for fishing, or that beautiful lake they drive by to work every morning. And, of course, everyone who owns a piece of lake or water front property thinks it is the best around. And, often people have a story to tell of an interesting place or town.
Do you have a favorite lake? We would love to hear about it. Be our guest. We are open to having you as our guest to write a post about your favorite lake. Tell us what it is about this lake that makes it your favorite lake.
Of course there are some rules. We like our site and we want others to also. We are sure you understand.
- A post is not an advertisement for your product or services. The idea of the post is to present information of interest and value to the readers of Waterlandliving.com
- The article will prefaced with a short introduction to you. If appropriate, we may include a link to your business. But again, our purpose is not to provide free advertising to you.
- The article needs to be orginal, written by you and not previously posted on any other website (including your own)
- We are open to the article being about a special place within Michigan, doesn’t have to be a body of water.
- Please edit the article yourself, we are not editors.
- Pictures are a nice touch, must be clear and may not include people.
- Content must be “family friendly” and free of offensive language.
- We reserve the right to refuse to post any article or any portion of the article.
Enjoy Michigan